Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sunday to Wednesday

A couple of years ago the senior pastor at my church asked me if I would like to sing in the praise band for our Contemporary Worship service. I didn't even have to think about it. I said "Sure, that sounds like fun". Little did I know how much fun that would be. Eventually my husband became a part of the band playing Bass guitar. My kids have come to many rehearsals and my dad is the head honcho of the tech crew. My family has definitely changed for the better because God lead us to this group. It is not just a group. We have all become very close friends and rely on each other for many things. We are the "Four Legged Lambs" family.

Four legged Lambs is the name of the praise band. That may be explained in another post.

This Sunday will be our last Sunday. The Contemporary Worship service is ending. Most of us are sad and grieving a little. This Worship service has a lot of meaning for a lot of us.

However, we are on the verge of a new beginning. Starting September 12 we will be worshiping on Weds. eves. Our Weds. evening rehearsal have been just as much a worship time for us as our service on Sunday. Now, we get to share Weds. with the whole church. Its an exciting time. We will share the songs that mean so much to us with many people who have never heard this type of worship music. Hopefully it will be as meaningful and moving for them as it is for us. We will also spend time studying the bible. So, now we will have worship and study time on Sundays and on Weds. Watch out Tinman I might start catching up to you on all the theology stuff you throw out at me! :) I might be able to understand some of the conversations we have. hahahahaha.

Even though I'm sad about our Contemporary service ending, I am excited about the changes that await. What could be better than learning more about the God that loves us. I read something in daily devotional once that said...."If you want to get closer to God, study and learn more about God". So, Goodbye to the old and hello to the new. I'm ready.


Brett Hendrickson said...

It sounds like you've got a really good outlook concerning this change. I know from my point of view as someone who is more likely to go to a more traditional service that I am excited about the prospect of also getting to hear the band and sing more contemporary songs on Wednesdays!

Joy said...

Thanks Brett, I'm looking forward to my kids learning some of the more traditional hymns. This change will give them that. They love the Contemporary songs but they have missed out on the traditional hymns. Maybe now they will walk around the house singing both. :)