Saturday, August 4, 2007


I am not even sure if decluttering is even a word. But thats what I have been doing this past week. I only have two more rooms to go. The kids toy room is one. It has recently become more of a storage room because our real storage room is so packed. The other room is the computer room/loft/music room. There is just too many temptations in this room. I'm not sure why we let rooms get so cluttered. I'm sure Oprah would say that a cluttered home reflects your life. We were a little cluttered this summer with vacations and activities. After the rooms are decluttered I will start working on the closets. Maybe I am in clean-out mode because school is starting soon and I need a project. Maybe its to keep me from worrying about my little brothers possible surgery/procedure. Who knows....but the house sure looks better. Oh well, I guess I should stop analyzing and just go with it. I am sure getting alot done. School will start in a few weeks and at that time we should know more about what little brother will be going through. Maybe by then I will be able to get into my closets and storage room.
We had a wonderful, relaxed evening last night with some new friends and my family. It was a wonderful evening with lots of laughter. I feel very blessed to have these new friends in our life. It could have been a more somber evening but our new friends helped us all relax and have fun. I guess "decluttering" and a fun evening with friends and family is just what I needed.