Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Sunday to Wednesday

A couple of years ago the senior pastor at my church asked me if I would like to sing in the praise band for our Contemporary Worship service. I didn't even have to think about it. I said "Sure, that sounds like fun". Little did I know how much fun that would be. Eventually my husband became a part of the band playing Bass guitar. My kids have come to many rehearsals and my dad is the head honcho of the tech crew. My family has definitely changed for the better because God lead us to this group. It is not just a group. We have all become very close friends and rely on each other for many things. We are the "Four Legged Lambs" family.

Four legged Lambs is the name of the praise band. That may be explained in another post.

This Sunday will be our last Sunday. The Contemporary Worship service is ending. Most of us are sad and grieving a little. This Worship service has a lot of meaning for a lot of us.

However, we are on the verge of a new beginning. Starting September 12 we will be worshiping on Weds. eves. Our Weds. evening rehearsal have been just as much a worship time for us as our service on Sunday. Now, we get to share Weds. with the whole church. Its an exciting time. We will share the songs that mean so much to us with many people who have never heard this type of worship music. Hopefully it will be as meaningful and moving for them as it is for us. We will also spend time studying the bible. So, now we will have worship and study time on Sundays and on Weds. Watch out Tinman I might start catching up to you on all the theology stuff you throw out at me! :) I might be able to understand some of the conversations we have. hahahahaha.

Even though I'm sad about our Contemporary service ending, I am excited about the changes that await. What could be better than learning more about the God that loves us. I read something in daily devotional once that said...."If you want to get closer to God, study and learn more about God". So, Goodbye to the old and hello to the new. I'm ready.

Monday, August 27, 2007

Youth Sunday

Yesterday was Youth Sunday at my church. It was an incredible experience. Our Youth/Teens went to Arkansas on a mission trip this summer. The scripture, prayers and message tied into this mission trip. They talked about their experiences in a homeless shelter, a food bank and a Spinal cord awareness dinner. The one thing that touched me the most was that they were so moved by what they experienced in these places that they used their spending money to buy groceries for the homeless shelter. They thought they only bought enough for 1 meal but they bought enough for 3. Incredible. What wonderful inspiration these Teens are for me, my children and the church familly. I was very teary (joyful tears) while listening to their message. There was alot more to what they did than buying groceries but that touched me the most. It was a wonderful reminder to take time out of our busy lives and money out of our pockets to help those less fortunate. Isn't that what Jesus would want us to do. Thank you to the Teens in Ministry for reminding us of what is important!!

Friday, August 24, 2007

Everyone invited, All ages....???????

I must vent. It makes me feel better. We received an email recently about a "group", shall we say, that was going to be formed for a short time. Everyone one is invited....all ages..all "jobs", etc. However when I inquired about this "group" I was told, in a similar statement....I don't think we will be needing anyone else to do that particular "job". OK, what does everyone invited, all ages mean? My familly member that was interested in this particular "job", doesn't usually want to be a part of something like this. So, when my family member mentioned being interested, I was thrilled. Upon finding out that this particular "job" was not needed, I asked how I was supposed to explain to my interested family member that he was not needed, after all the email did say...everyone invited..all ages. Needless to say a "job" was formed.
I'm not sure why my family member wasn't needed at first. Is it because the leader of the group didn't know that my family member could handle the "job"? Or did the leader just not want to find him something to do. I'm sure I am more aggravated about this than I need to be but....why send out and email saying everyone invited if you don't really need everyone?

Anyway, I know this probably doesn't make a lot of sense because I am so vague but it does make me feel better to have it written down. OOOHHH and the"job" my family member is doing made a big difference in the "group". In my opinion!!!! :) Thanks for letting me vent.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Missing Summer

It has been awhile since I have blogged. It is amazing that school starts and things immediately become more hectic. We are busier only because school has started. We had a busy weekend with piano lessons, an incredible wedding, and a parade. I picked up 4 extra hours at work yesterday morning while the kids were in school. Then yesterday evening we had homework.
I miss the lazy days of summer. It is still automatic for the kids to get up in the morning and lounge on the couch. I have to remind them to get ready for school. I guess we will get into routine soon. It is still very low stress and we have been getting to school on time. I am thankful for that. Summer is almost over. September will be here before I know it. Labor day weekend my little girl will have 2 parades and celebrate her 9th birthday the Wednesday after. We will also be gearing up for the fall bookfair at school. My school volunteering will be in full swing. I miss the lazy days of summer. I am blessed to be able to enjoy summer with my kids and volunteer at their school to be close to them. So as much as I miss summer, I am looking forward to what this school year brings.
Dear God, thanks again for our great kids. Amen

Monday, August 20, 2007

Quirks and Superstitions

As most of you who read this blog know, I am a pediatric nurse. Frequently my job is a sedation nurse. I administer medications to patients so they sleep through a painful procedure without pain and then wake up almost immediately without recollection of the procedure. Occasionally there are complications, but we anticipate them and attempt to prevent them.

I work with several different Docs and several different nurses. Lately we have been discussing different "quirks" we all have. One Dr. in paticular says he doesn't have quirks, he just does things "the right way". This of course made everyone laugh because each Dr. thinks he does things "the right way". So, I decided to look up quirk in Websters. There are many definitions but the one I like is....a peculair trait or idosyncrasy. One doc asked me yesterday what my quirks are. I told him it was hard to come up with any on the spot only because I try to keep up with all of theirs. He actually found that humerous. I did remind him that I only have two hands (they like to give us several things to do at once) and I don't like to miss meals (I get really crabby). :) Then I remember how it bugs me when trash is laying around. I like to have all the syringe wrappers, used alcohol wipes, empty medicine bottles,etc all in one place or I am constantly cleaning up when I have a spare moment.
We were also discussing superstitions. One of the nurses will not order the xray in the computer until she knows she is going to need it. I won't mark on the sedation record that the patient was returned to his room until we are returning him/her to their room. One of the Docs won't sign the sedation form until the sedation is over. We are all worried about "jinxing" something.
So, I looked up superstition in Websters. Again, there were several definitions but the one I liked or thought fit this blog is.....a false conception of causation. So when I get to work today I think I might put the definitions on our board.
I does make my job alot easier knowing everyones quirks and superstitions. Now it is just a matter of remembering them.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

First Day of School

Open House went well last night. The kids like their new teachers and so do I. I have been waiting for the drama to begin but it never did. My little girl has gone from a timid Kindergarten kid who had horrible issues with riding the bus and seperating from me, to a first grader who cried and had to be pulled away from me everytime there was a substitute teacher, to a second grader who gradually learned to deal with her anxiety about substitute teachers but still always wanted me to walk her to the door, and now to a very confident and excited third grader who walked into the main door with her older brother by her side. I think she is growing up. Maybe he is too. He didn't run ahead of her to try to get away from her. He walked right by her side.
It was even a low stress/no stress morning getting them out the door.
I'm sure things will change and we will have some stressful mornings, but a mom can always hope, right!!! It was great to see my bright, beautiful children walk into school with confidence and smiles. What a wonderful first day.
Dear great and loving God, thank you for a wonderful first day of school. Amen

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Joy FM

I was reminded today by a co-worker of this radio station. This station plays a lot of the songs we use in our Contemporary service. Its very uplifting to listen too while on the computer or in the car. Even if you are not in the listening area it has a daily scripture and lots of other great things to read. I especially like the daily scripture for today. "May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord even as we put our hope in you (Psalm 33:22). This website is now in my favorites. Enjoy

Proud Mom

Well the "gig" was a lot of fun. Little drummer boy did a great job. What a proud mom I am. It is so fun to watch him play in a real band. I am proud of my little girl too. As mean as little drummer boy can be to her sometimes, she continues to try to be nice to him. She turns the other cheek a lot!!
Their first day of school is tomorrow. They go for one hour. It is really a pain to get them ready and out the door for one hour. I guess its a way to slowly get them back into the groove. Friday they will go all day. Tonight is Open House. We will go and find their classrooms and meet their teachers. My little girl tends to have anxiety about being away from me all day. She likes for me to walk her to the door. This year because she is in 3rd grade she has to go in the main door, walk through the halls to the multi-purpose room and sit with her class until school starts. I'm sure this will cause some anxiety. We have talked about it and she seems fine but if history repeats itself she will start crying tonight and will cry after breakfast tomorrow. I was thinking this morning I should write down a comforting scripture that she can put in her backpack as a reminder of Gods love and mine. Maybe something like... For nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) or I can do all things in Him who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). I have several like these on my refrigerator but I'm not sure. If anyone reading this has any suggestions for either scripture or any other comfort measure, please comment.
Great and loving God, thank you for blessing me with beautiful and bright children. Be with us tomorrow as we begin a new school year. Help us to remember that nothing is impossible with you. Help us to remember that you are always with us. Amen

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Music has been a big part of my life for as long as I can remember. I have always loved to sing. My mom tells stories of me bouncing up and down to several bands she and my dad used to listen too and I'm sure still do. I love all types of music. I have sung in school choirs, swing choirs and church choirs. I remember singing Donna Summer, the BeeGees and especially Supertramp in my bedroom growing up. Now I spend most of my time singing Contemporary Praise songs. Along with my husband, who plays bass, I am a member of the Praise band at my church. As I said my husband plays bass, my daughter and I take piano lessons together and my son plays drums. We do love music.
My son has actually been playing in a band all summer. At 10yrs old he is a drummer in a band. At the music store where we all take lessons, he has been enjoying..."School of Rock". Several kids who take lessons get together to jam. Tomorrow is his first.... "gig". They are only going to perform one song but I can't wait. I have watched School of Rock several times and it is incredible what these young kids can do. He doesn't really like to play in front of people. I hope tomorrow changes that.
Whatever he ends up doing with his life I hope music is a part of it. I always dreamed of singing in a band and I am. My husband who wasn't much of a church goer, is now....mostly in part because of music. Gods plan all along I know. Thats a great story for another day. I can't even begin to explain how proud and excited I am about this one little song during tomorrows recital. Just maybe it will spark a life long interest in music and drumming for my son.
Dear creator of music, Thank you for the joy music has brought to this family. We will continue to use it in worship with you. Amen

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I am a big fan of HGTV. My favorite show is House Hunters. No, I am not looking to by a house, its just fun to watch. I am also learning inexpensive ways to update my own home. It is amazing what new rugs in the bathroom will do.

I have also learned that I love the color green. We built our home in 1995 and put in hunter green kitchen counters. I still love the color. The downstairs bathroom...accessorized with hunter green. The new rugs for our master bathroom are a pale green. Our master bedroom has several shades of green. I have only come to the realization recently that my favorite color is green. I really don't know why this is important enough for me to write about, I just found it interesting. So I googled the color green and this is what I found.

Green is the color of nature, fertility, life. Grass green is the most restful color. Green symbolizes self-respect and well being. Green is the color of balance. It also means learning, growth and harmony. Green is a safe color, if you don't know what color to use anywhere use green.

So, I guess I like balance, well-being and harmony. Who doesn't. Maybe that's why God made the grass and tree leaves green. So if you need a little balance and harmony in your life spend some time with green and especially God, the creator of green. Maybe next I will look up "Cardinal Red" and Ocean Blue.
Dear Creator of life and colors, thank you for all the colors that give us balance and make us feel safe. True reminders that you are never far from us. Amen

Saturday, August 4, 2007

Funny email

I read this in an email today and couldn't stop laughing! I had to post it. I will be emailing it to all our church buddies. Especially the ones we go camping with "at the river". Some of you reading this may get it twice. Enjoy

A minister was completing a Temperance sermon. With great emphasis he said, "If I had all the b e e r in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river." With even greater emphasis he said, "And if I had all the w i n e in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river." And then finally, shaking his fist in the air, he said, "And if I had all the w h i s k e y in the world, I'd take it and pour it into the river." Sermon complete, he sat down. The song leader stood very cautiously and announced with a smile, nearly laughing, "For our closing song, let us sing Hymn #365, "Shall We Gather at the River." Smile, life is too short not to !! See you at the river


I am not even sure if decluttering is even a word. But thats what I have been doing this past week. I only have two more rooms to go. The kids toy room is one. It has recently become more of a storage room because our real storage room is so packed. The other room is the computer room/loft/music room. There is just too many temptations in this room. I'm not sure why we let rooms get so cluttered. I'm sure Oprah would say that a cluttered home reflects your life. We were a little cluttered this summer with vacations and activities. After the rooms are decluttered I will start working on the closets. Maybe I am in clean-out mode because school is starting soon and I need a project. Maybe its to keep me from worrying about my little brothers possible surgery/procedure. Who knows....but the house sure looks better. Oh well, I guess I should stop analyzing and just go with it. I am sure getting alot done. School will start in a few weeks and at that time we should know more about what little brother will be going through. Maybe by then I will be able to get into my closets and storage room.
We had a wonderful, relaxed evening last night with some new friends and my family. It was a wonderful evening with lots of laughter. I feel very blessed to have these new friends in our life. It could have been a more somber evening but our new friends helped us all relax and have fun. I guess "decluttering" and a fun evening with friends and family is just what I needed.