Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Proud Mom

Well the "gig" was a lot of fun. Little drummer boy did a great job. What a proud mom I am. It is so fun to watch him play in a real band. I am proud of my little girl too. As mean as little drummer boy can be to her sometimes, she continues to try to be nice to him. She turns the other cheek a lot!!
Their first day of school is tomorrow. They go for one hour. It is really a pain to get them ready and out the door for one hour. I guess its a way to slowly get them back into the groove. Friday they will go all day. Tonight is Open House. We will go and find their classrooms and meet their teachers. My little girl tends to have anxiety about being away from me all day. She likes for me to walk her to the door. This year because she is in 3rd grade she has to go in the main door, walk through the halls to the multi-purpose room and sit with her class until school starts. I'm sure this will cause some anxiety. We have talked about it and she seems fine but if history repeats itself she will start crying tonight and will cry after breakfast tomorrow. I was thinking this morning I should write down a comforting scripture that she can put in her backpack as a reminder of Gods love and mine. Maybe something like... For nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37) or I can do all things in Him who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). I have several like these on my refrigerator but I'm not sure. If anyone reading this has any suggestions for either scripture or any other comfort measure, please comment.
Great and loving God, thank you for blessing me with beautiful and bright children. Be with us tomorrow as we begin a new school year. Help us to remember that nothing is impossible with you. Help us to remember that you are always with us. Amen


Alex said...

You are such a good mommy.