Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Off to work I go

Hi ho hi ho its off to work I go. I am getting ready to leave for my "part time" job. A few years ago a women in my church who apparently "knew me as a child" asked me what I was doing now. I told her I was a Part time RN and a full time mom. Her next question was.... "How can you be a full time mom if you work part time?" (She wasn't joking). Luckily my mother was there to hold me back and calm me down. I remember thinking... take a deep breath and talk nice!!
I then explained to her, in as nice a tone as possible, that even when I am working at the hospital I am still a mother. I can answer phone calls with questions about where socks are, diagnose symptoms, mediate fights and give hugs and kisses over the phone, I have even been able to help with homework while at work. Being a mother doesn't stop when I am at my paying job. Even being a mom I still need my mom.
I am still to this day amazed at that question. So off I go to my part time job. I am sure that in a few hours I will be called, at work with a question only a mother knows the answer to. Oh and by the way....my full time job that I don't get paid money for is definately my favorite job.
Gracious and loving God, thank you for giving me two jobs that make me happy and reward me in many ways. Amen