Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Yah!!! It is finally Wednesday, September 12th. PYC or Presbyterian Youth Club starts today. My little girl will be joining PYC this year. For the past several years since little drummer boy started PYC, I have been picking up my two kids as well as my niece and my friends two kids and taking them to PYC. It is the highlight of my week. I love to listen in on the conversations of these wonderful children. Sometimes they sing all the way to church. Don't get me wrong...I'm still not sure how mothers of more than two survive. But I love it. In 6th grade, my niece is now too old for PYC, so she won't be joining us anymore :( however, another one of my friends daughter will be joining us. She is also a good friend of the rest of the carpool. I am really looking forward to this afternoon. The kids are excited too. :)
Its also an exciting day for another reason. WNL or Wednesday Night Live starts tonight. The praise band...The Four Legged Lambs....that my husband and I are in, will start a new form of worship tonight. We will play and sing for the first part of the hour and then our senior pastor will start a BIble lesson. Tonight it is about Dysfunctional families. We are looking at Adam and Eve. It should be good. I will miss our intimate, just the praise band rehearsing Wednesday nights, but if we can share what we all experienced on rehearsal Wednesdays, I am all for that. Its going to be an exciting day!!!