Sunday, September 16, 2007

lazy Sunday

OK call us heathens. We skipped church today. My little girl had to stay home anyway. She has had a cough this past week and a fever on and off all weekend. She didn't need to be spreading her germs. My little drummer boy and I went to the Cardinal game last night (the Cards finally broke their loosing streak and kick some Cub b---!!). He kept me out a little too late. That boy knows that stadium better than he knows his school. I had the grand tour. He even showed me Jim Edmonds gold glove award. We stood by an outfield camera man and found seats in the bleachers right above the bull-pen. The best part was that the Cards beat the Cubs!!! We had a wonderful time. I hope little drummer boy grows up with fond memories of going to Cardinal games with his mom. I know he enjoys the games with his PawPaw too. As wonderful a night as it was a late night. Needless to say it was hard to get up this morning. He actually got up and then fell back asleep in the recliner. Its hard to get one kid going when the other one gets to stay home curled up on the couch. So, we all stayed home.

About the time I started feeling guilty and missing my worship time, we saw a doe and her fawn in the yard right next to the swing set. What a wonderful, time stopping moment. I bet we watched them for about a half hour. They were nibbling from our yard and we even witnessed the fawn nursing from her mother. We haven't seen deer in our yard for awhile. It was so peaceful.

After the moments with the deer, I was lounging on the couch with my coffee, in my pj's watching an episode of HGTV's Curb Appeal listening to the sounds of little drummer boys snoring and an acapella jazz version of "Show Me Your Ways", one of our praise songs. My bass playing husband spent about a half hour going over music for our Praise band.

I still miss the fellowship and worship at First United but it is nice to have these spiritual moments at home with my family. We have so few moments at home to relax in our pj's and do nothing that maybe just maybe God planned this for us, to remind us to slow down and enjoy the simple things like a doe and her fawn, the sounds of peaceful rest and joyful music.

Great and loving God, thank you for time to worship, at church and at home, in our Sunday best and in our pj's. Amen


Unknown said...

I hope your sweet girl is feeling better today... :)