A little more than two years ago I was at praise band rehearsal. Our fearless leader said something like....we sure need a bass player, If anyone knows of someone please let me know. My husband had been tinkering around with his acoustic guitar for awhile and had been playing around with little drummer boys drums. So, I went home and said something like....The praise band needs a bass guitar player. You need to learn how to play bass. He didn't say NO. After playing around with the churches bass, working with our fearless leader and starting lessons his new hobby began.
He is now a pretty great bass player if I do say so myself. As I have said before, music is a huge part of our family life and a lot of the reason for that is my husbands love of playing the bass. For 15 years or more I had been praying for a way to get my husband interested in something with church so he would be as active as the kids and I were. Little did I know it would be music and a bass guitar.
Yesterday my husband purchased a new bass. He's feeling a little guilty about spending the money. Not me, it made my heart leap for joy that he loves being a part of this praise band so much that he wanted a better instrument. He is so happy with that bass in his hands and I'm happy he is using his talent to praise God.
Sometimes we have to wait for what seems like forever for a prayer to be answered, but when that prayer is answered, it is definately worth the wait. Little did I know that the answer would be in the form of a bass guitar. Thanks be to God.
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