Sunday, December 30, 2007

Sunday Mornings

What is it about Sunday mornings?? My morning started out with putting on a sweater that I love and realizing it had a hole in it, right in the front. Did my wood shelf snag it or is something in my closet eating holes in my clothes? Then my children continue to fight over EVERYTHING which causes my husband and I to fight due to our frustration. I started feeling a little better after watching my family perform in a Sunday School skit. My husband was one of the three wise men (or Magi), my daughter the star child and my son...King Herod ( a role that fits him perfect right now). ;) After realizing one of my good friends was in the same mood I was...because of similar reasons, I started feeling better. As my friend said "Misery loves company". I thought things were better as we sat down as a family for Worship. I have been looking forward to hearing the sermon all week. About the time during the sermon I was remembering my own sons birth and reliving those amazing feelings you have when you first hold your child, my son says...."MOM, what time........". I immediately cut him off by holding up one, not that one, the finger you hold up as if to minute. So he preceded to write me a note and held it in front of me. When I grabbed it and didn't read it, he kept tapping it. It took everything I had not to elbow him in the chest!!! After the service we had a talk about letting me worship even if he didn't want too. His comment...."Mom all I wanted to know is when my friend can come over" UUUUGGGGHHHH.
So, my dear friend, what I heard of your sermon today was wonderful. Thank you for helping me relive that first moment I held my son. It has kept me from sending him away today. :)
I know I am blessed to have two incredible kids. They make me laugh, they make me cry, they make me angry, happy and proud. But what is it about Sunday mornings?


Beams said...

Just came across your blog as I blog rolled this week. This was the post I read first and could so relate too. I'm past the stage now where I have to get family out and all to church on a Sunday fact they are often there before me these days, but often in those early days I asked the Lord Why oh why was it Sundays where everyone left home in a crappy mood with life and one another? So hard to worship in that frame of mind. But you know our Lord is certainly not the one to criticise and the way he sees and appreciates our worship is not the way we would judge it. Your heart was right and He knew it! Be blessed.

Joy said...

Thank you so much beams. I appreciate the comment. I am truly blessed, I do need to remember that. Welcome to Work in Progress.