Monday, August 11, 2008

last week

The last week before school starts. The kids have friends over. We were swimming and having a good time until my little girl got stung twice by a wasp or two. They were actually swarming around her head. She is totally traumatized. We might as well get rid of the pool. She will probably never go in it again.

It is a gourgous 82 degrees, the house is opened up, but everyone is inside playing games and watching the olympics. Darn wasp. It is supposed to be a beautiful week. Hopefully we can get my little girl out of the house. We are planning on going to the park later this week for a picnic and more play time with friends before school starts. I hope the wasp incident doesn't ruin it.

I think the kids are ready for school. We are even getting bored with the wii. I will miss them but it will be nice to get into a routine. The lazy days of summer are almost over.