Friday, August 22, 2008

Last Day of the First Week

Today is the last day of the first week of school for 2008-2009. It has been eventful but we made through.
1. Our 6th grade boy, on his first day of swimming took his swimsuit that is too big and had to sit out.
2. Weds. night both kids had MAJOR meltdowns about homework, clothes, etc.., etc.
3. Both kids have been stressed about being late to school even though we have been leaving 10 minutes early than last year.
4. Getting homework finished before tv and computer hasn't been too much of an issue........YET!
5. My 4th grade girl had to sit with all boys. By Weds. the teacher took pity on her and switched some desks around so now there is another girl in her group of desks. WHEW!!
6. My Uncle had to have emergency open heart surgery on Tuesday. So I haven't been able to be totally focused on my kids needs. My mind has been elsewhere.
7. I am trying to get used to a quiet house again and getting organized for the evenings I am at work.

As my Mother always says... "this too will pass". We will get back into routine soon and things will run more smoothly.


Liz said...

I have been thinking about your sweetie-pies and their first week at school. (I have very mixed feelings about HOMEWORK. I'll have to blog about that.) Tell your kids that one of Alex's secrets was to get things done ahead of time. I learned that from her!

So sorry to hear about your uncle. You have had quite a year!