I have been home since Sunday evening with some kind of intestinal bug. In other words...I don't feel good. Can you hear the whining. Yesterday I was supposed to go to work but instead stayed home, slept, read and attempted to eat. When I picked the kids up from school my son says he needs glue sticks and popsicle sticks to work on an extra credit project for History class. Now it isn't due until Thursday but because of extra curricular activities and homework this was the best night to get it done. UUUGGGHHH. Luckily my friend had lots of popsicle sticks at home. So we ran to the Pharmacy and bought glue sticks...they didn't have popsicle sticks, then we ran to my friends house to get the popsicle sticks.
Then I was ready for another nap.
It is amazing to watch my son when he is determined. He finished his assigned homework in record time and started working on this boat about 5pm. He only took a break long enough to eat dinner.
He can visualize what he wants to make and then make it. He finished about 8:30 p.m. or so. His Dad cut the pieces for him but he did all the measuring and designing. It was impressive. I hope he gets all the extra credit points possible. He deserves it. I love watching him work when he does projects like this. It makes me wonder if he will utilize this talent in his Adult life. I hope his teacher appreciates the thought and hard work that went into this project. I sure do.
A 6th graders design of an Eygptian boat

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