About 2 months ago my son failed a hearing screen at school. While we were talking about it with him he said..."I'm sure it has something to do with my ears always feeling clogged". I didn't realize that his ears were always clogged or that he was having hearing problems. He didn't fail the hearing screen last year so at least I know this is something that is fairly recent. We had to wait about 2 months to get an appointment with an Ear, Nose and Throat specialist. I didn't want just anyone. That's the problem with being a nurse in a pediatric hospital. You become very selective about specialists. We found out that our little drummer boy has to have minor surgery. If the fluid in his left ear looks "thick like glue", he will get a myringotomy tube placed. The right ear looks good right now. The Dr. will look at it again during the procedure. He will also have his adenoids taken out. Apparently the adenoids in kids his age with allergies, can get swolle
n and cause an obstruction at the Eustachian tube which causes conductive hearing loss. So, on June 5th, little drummer boy with have minor surgery. I asked him if he was scared and he said....."No, I will be at your hospital and Uncle J had a much bigger surgery and he is OK." He is pretty brave. I think he is also looking forward to the dippin dots a co-worker of mine promised him. :)

So, please keep our boy in your prayers, that he continues to be brave and that this procedure helps with his hearing and his allergies.
Dippin Dots! I didn't get any Dippin' Dots!
Well, you can always introduce him to the joys of orange sherbet! :)
He has already been telling me what kind of jello and popscicles he wants. I will remember orange sherbet! :)
You have a nice blog. I just thought of mentioning about this website www.dustmitesallergies.org. They seem to offer specialized advice of dust mites allergies.
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