I love Christmas...the entire season of Christmas, not just Christmas day. I love the lights, the music, the special services, seasonal food, all of it. BUT....shouldn't we be thinking about Thanksgiving now. Even before Halloween the stores had Christmas decorations out. Adds on t.v. were coming on. People in our small town have Christmas lights on already. I
understand putting them up while it is still warm outside, but maybe we should wait to turn them on until after Thanksgiving. I couldn't even find Thanksgiving towels at my beloved Target. I think we are forgetting about Thanksgiving. I love this time of year, the fall colors, the crisp air, the earthy scent in the air. What has happened to enjoying Thanksgiving. I can't wait till Thursday. We watch the parades, relax with family and eat, eat, eat. Then take a walk. Its a day to count our many blessings!! I am looking forward to it. Then....the day after Thanksgiving....the shopping and decorating begins.

I was talking to my brother today about presents. We have decided not to exchange this year. Christmas gets so expensive and in the hustle and bustle of shopping and spending we felt like the true meaning of Christmas is getting lost. So this year, Christmas will be about spending time with each other and celebrating the birth of Jesus. Uncle Tinman still plans to get the kids something, but the adults are just going to enjoy each other. It makes it easier for all of us...and less expensive.
Yes, I do love Christmas but....I want to enjoy Thanksgiving first. Then I will be ready to get into the Christmas spirit. HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE
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