Its the eve before a crazy week. Its book fair week. As exhausted as it makes me, it's one of my favorite times. I love being in the school, seeing my kids and their friends several times throughout the day. My co-chair and I feel like its therapy. I actually go through book fair withdrawal when its over. I am thankful that I will be with a good friend everyday this week. We are good for each other. I'm looking forward to a therapeutic, exhausting week full of laughter and several hugs a day from some of my favorite kids. Just what I need.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Busy Tuesday
Well, my little girl is home again. We thought she was fever free but about 1:30 she had a slight fever. Not as high as it has been but up again none the less. The cough doesn't seem any better either. Stupid virus.
We have been busy today with homework. Its amazing how much they miss in one day. Good thing she is caught up, she will get more tonight. We also made daddy a cake for his birthday. Today he is 44. We aren't having a big party, just the 4 of us. He and little drummer boy have their music lessons tonight. So we will have dinner and cake. We will sing happy birthday and then they will head off to music lessons. It will be nice. Hopefully this weekend my little girl will be better and we can go out to dinner to celebrate.
His new guitar is his present. Which made things easy for me and him happy. I'm sure it will be a nice night.
Posted by Joy at 2:21 PM 0 comments
Monday, September 17, 2007
Lazy Monday
My little girl is home from school today. She has had a cough and a fever. We did go see the Dr. this morning. We are fortunate to have a place that gets sick kids in fast. The cough is caused by drainage from allergies which has caused one of her tonsils to swell. The strep test was negative. Luckily, my little girl does not have a sore throat. The Dr. said the fever is just a virus. We were trying to treat the allergies with Claritin but apparently thats not helping. So, she will now be on Zyrtec. I hope it helps.
Sometimes its nice to have one kid home from school. They both want me to sit with them when they are sick. It forces me to slow down and relax. It also gives me quality one on one time. Not that I want either kid to be sick but I have to take advantage of this time when I can. We have had two fairly lazy days. I guess I better enjoy it now, book fair is next week. I will basically be working full time retail at the school. So, for now I will enjoy my lazy days and spend some quality time with my little girl. Hopefully her fever is gone for now...but if it comes back, I will snuggle and comfort her again.
Posted by Joy at 1:55 PM 2 comments
Sunday, September 16, 2007
lazy Sunday
Posted by Joy at 10:03 AM 1 comments
Friday, September 14, 2007
MaryMartha night
Tonight is one of my favorite nights of the month....It's MaryMartha night. Mary Marthas is my Presbyterian Womens group. We are just a group of moms, all different ages, who come together once a month for a lesson, treats and a short meeting. We spend a lot of time sharing our lives with our friends. We help each other with problems, we pray for each other and we play. We might go to a movie after the meeting or we might go out for a drink together. We have made some great friendships. Our fearless leader asked us to think about 3 things we can share about ourselves that nobody else knows. hahahahaha, I'm not that deep. Most people I know, know what there is to know about me. But I did come up with a few things. It wasn't easy.
1. I would love to go up in a hot air balloon someday.
2. I would love to sky-dive someday.
and last but not least.....3. I would love to be up on stage singing with Rascal Flats, Vince Gil, Chris Tomlin and especially with Darlene Zschech With Hillsongs.
I don't know how if that's really what she was looking for, like I said...I"m not that deep.
If anyone reading this wants to share three things about your self that nobody knows, please comment. It could be fun.
Posted by Joy at 11:28 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Driving Home
Driving home from work is usually a way for me to get my thoughts back to home. Once I am over the bridge, I try to leave work behind. Last Friday it wasn't that easy. We all had been praying for rain for so long. It finally came. But with the beauty and need for rain comes the dangers of rain. Lots of bad car accidents. About 2 hours before the end of my shift a beautiful blonde headed boy came in after a bad accident. His mother went to another hospital. His father came with him. By the time I was leaving for home it was apparent that the boy probably wouldn't survive. His mother might not either. I left home knowing my family was safely in their beds also knowing a husband and fathers life was surely about the change. I felt horribly guilty. Between the rain and the tears it was difficult driving home. I found myself yelling at cars speeding by me to slow down. They had no idea what this poor man was going through. I didn't want anyone else to have to go through it. Knowing they couldn't hear me I started yelling at God. I knew God was listening. It took me awhile to feel like I could go to bed. The hugs and kisses I give my kids when I get home from work took much longer. I didn't want to let go. It was a rough night. Saturday, I was physically and especially emotionally exhausted. It was a long tiring day. My heart was not totally into my little girls birthday party with our families. Sunday came and it felt like I was getting back to normal.
I did find out on Monday, when I went back to work that the beautiful blonde boy had died. It helps to know he is with God. How can he not be. So, pray for this family and the nurses and Drs who took care of him. I was only on the sideline but I hope my prayers for the dad have helped in some way. Driving home Monday night was much better. I was able to bring my thoughts back home.
Posted by Joy at 8:42 AM 4 comments
Yah!!! It is finally Wednesday, September 12th. PYC or Presbyterian Youth Club starts today. My little girl will be joining PYC this year. For the past several years since little drummer boy started PYC, I have been picking up my two kids as well as my niece and my friends two kids and taking them to PYC. It is the highlight of my week. I love to listen in on the conversations of these wonderful children. Sometimes they sing all the way to church. Don't get me wrong...I'm still not sure how mothers of more than two survive. But I love it. In 6th grade, my niece is now too old for PYC, so she won't be joining us anymore :( however, another one of my friends daughter will be joining us. She is also a good friend of the rest of the carpool. I am really looking forward to this afternoon. The kids are excited too. :)
Its also an exciting day for another reason. WNL or Wednesday Night Live starts tonight. The praise band...The Four Legged Lambs....that my husband and I are in, will start a new form of worship tonight. We will play and sing for the first part of the hour and then our senior pastor will start a BIble lesson. Tonight it is about Dysfunctional families. We are looking at Adam and Eve. It should be good. I will miss our intimate, just the praise band rehearsing Wednesday nights, but if we can share what we all experienced on rehearsal Wednesdays, I am all for that. Its going to be an exciting day!!!
Posted by Joy at 8:28 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
September 5, 1998
Posted by Joy at 10:57 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
a bass guitar

Posted by Joy at 9:49 AM 0 comments
Thank Goodness
I haven't blogged in a few days. It has been a sucky week. That's the only way to describe last week. Just a few minutes before praise band rehearsal with the Four legged Lambs last Weds. my husband and I found out some pretty bad news about someone close to us in his family. Its about the worst news anyone can get. Pretty sucky. Things are still in limbo but we hope to find out more this week. On top of this bad news, my back took me out for a couple of days. Thank goodness for chiropractors and new shoes. My back is still achy but much better than last week. I was hoping for a better week this week but my husband received some bad news about a co-worker this morning. Sometimes life just sucks!!!
You would think with all this bad news I would be mad at God. However, I realized last night even before this mornings bad news that I'm not mad at God. "She" as a good friend would say, didn't make these things happen. I am angry at cigarettes, chemicals in our food, cancer and guns. I'm angry that Dr's. don't do more to get sedentary people up and moving. God is not responsible for this stuff, we are.
Thank goodness for friends and co-workers who support us, love us and pray for us even when they don't know what is really going on in our lives. Thank goodness for the blessing of a praise band who unknowingly is therapeutic through a truly dark time. Thank goodness for a Senior Pastor and an Associate Pastor who are good friends as well as our pastors. Thank goodness for parents and family who support us through everything. Thank goodness for our kids who love us even when we are crabby and short tempered for reasons they don't really know. I am going to focus on all my blessings and continue to hold onto my faith. God will get us through this. As the Tinman reminded me, not to long ago, God suffers when we suffer.
Thank "GOOD"ness!
Posted by Joy at 9:29 AM 0 comments