Bookfair is over and I am tired. It went very well. There was some disappointment. We found out that a second grader stole some bookmarks and a 4th grader stole some erasers. Those are just the kids that got caught. I'm sure there were other thefts. We felt like we were watching pretty close too.
All in all it was a good week. I love watching the kids and being able to see mine frequently throughout the day. I will have book fair withdrawal next week. Then I can start on other PTA projects.
Never a dull moment!!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Posted by Joy at 6:58 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
It has been two weeks since I have blogged. September is a busy month. Our little girl arrived in the double digits gracefully. She had a wonderful party. It was a fun day!!
The kids are FINALLY in the groove of school. We are back in school routine.
Youth groups have started. Our son moved out of one group and up to the Jr.High/Senior High youth group. It has been more of an adjustment for me than for him.
My women's group started back up last Friday night. We had a great evening with some pretty interesting discussion topics. It is a terrific group of intelligent women. We are very comfortable knowing that we can be ourselves, say what we want and be accepted. We might not agree with each other on several topics but we do accept each other. Another wonderful evening with friends.
Book Fair starts next week. It is a rewarding yet exhausting week. I look forward to it every year. Hopefully this year will be less stressful. Last year I was running the bookfair and planning hospice care at the same time. Two very special friends let me cry on their shoulders and hugged me through that difficult week as well as this difficult year. I thank God for them everyday!
My wonderful husband turns 45 today. We are planning a relaxed evening at home and celebrating with a chocolate cake. Thanks Betty Crocker.
Girl Scouts started this week too. The Saturday after bookfair we will be selling cookies at the local dentist. It's cookie caravan time. In Oct. we will sell door to door.
It has been a great September so far. We are settling in to the school year and some early fall temperatures. I'm ready.. bring on the chili, the soups, the chicken and dumplings. Bring on the bonfires, Halloween and Girl Scout cookies.
Posted by Joy at 9:17 AM 2 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008

Posted by Joy at 10:21 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September is Here
Here we go...
1. Time to pay the second installment of taxes....yuck
2. Mole removal today...yuck
3. My little girls 10th birthday....yay!!
4. My husbands 45th birthday...yay!!
5. Several other birthdays...yay!!
6. Youth groups start...yay!!
7. Book Fair week...yay!! and yuck
8. PTA is full swing...yay and yuck
9. Mid term grades already...WOW
10. Wednesday Night Live starts...yay!!
It is official, summer is over and the new school year has begun. I have already noticed that my kids are getting into the routine...finally.
Those last two weeks in August are always tough. I'm looking forward to what September brings.
Posted by Joy at 8:59 AM 1 comments