Today has been a day that has reminded me how proud I am to be a woman. I have been given the responsibility of raising two incredible kids. With that responsibility has come the blessing of helping raise and nurture my friends kids. I also love balancing my life as a wife and mother with being a pediatric nurse. Today I had the opportunity to listen to a beautiful little girl talk about everything she saw in the park, at my house, and down the road at the duck pond. She is a strong young girl with a mind of her own. Similar to my own little girl at that age.
I also had the opportunity to listen to two adult women who are also very strong. Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton. I have been a Michelle fan from the begginning. Not so with Hillary. Tonight changed that. She made an incredible speech that makes me proud to be a woman and a Democrat.
It has been a great day.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
A Proud Woman
Posted by Joy at 10:44 PM 2 comments
Friday, August 22, 2008
Last Day of the First Week
Today is the last day of the first week of school for 2008-2009. It has been eventful but we made through.
1. Our 6th grade boy, on his first day of swimming took his swimsuit that is too big and had to sit out.
2. Weds. night both kids had MAJOR meltdowns about homework, clothes, etc.., etc.
3. Both kids have been stressed about being late to school even though we have been leaving 10 minutes early than last year.
4. Getting homework finished before tv and computer hasn't been too much of an issue........YET!
5. My 4th grade girl had to sit with all boys. By Weds. the teacher took pity on her and switched some desks around so now there is another girl in her group of desks. WHEW!!
6. My Uncle had to have emergency open heart surgery on Tuesday. So I haven't been able to be totally focused on my kids needs. My mind has been elsewhere.
7. I am trying to get used to a quiet house again and getting organized for the evenings I am at work.
As my Mother always says... "this too will pass". We will get back into routine soon and things will run more smoothly.
Posted by Joy at 9:58 AM 1 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
First Day
It's the first day of school. We had some drama and some irritability but for the most part I think they are excited. We met the teachers last night at open house. I'm looking forward to a great year.
Posted by Joy at 8:21 AM 2 comments
Monday, August 11, 2008
last week
The last week before school starts. The kids have friends over. We were swimming and having a good time until my little girl got stung twice by a wasp or two. They were actually swarming around her head. She is totally traumatized. We might as well get rid of the pool. She will probably never go in it again.
It is a gourgous 82 degrees, the house is opened up, but everyone is inside playing games and watching the olympics. Darn wasp. It is supposed to be a beautiful week. Hopefully we can get my little girl out of the house. We are planning on going to the park later this week for a picnic and more play time with friends before school starts. I hope the wasp incident doesn't ruin it.
I think the kids are ready for school. We are even getting bored with the wii. I will miss them but it will be nice to get into a routine. The lazy days of summer are almost over.
Posted by Joy at 3:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, August 1, 2008
2 weeks left
Tomorrow we are going school supply shopping. Its hard to believe that our summer is almost over. It went by so fast. My kids had band camp this past week in preparation for school band to start. My little drummer boy is now a drummer in the school marching band. My little girl is learning to play the flute in the 4th grade band. I can't believe I have a 6th grader and a 4th grader. Time sure does fly by.
We went through their clothes yesterday to make room for new clothes. Those don't last as long anymore either. They sure are growing up fast. I'm looking forward to this year but in some ways I wish summer could go on longer. I'm definately not ready for the homework fight. No more lazy days of summer. Until next year.
Posted by Joy at 8:33 AM 1 comments