1. Yesterday as I was getting ready to take the kids to school, my son asked me, "Mom have you ever campaigned this hard for any other candidate?". I explained to him that I really didn't see my self as campaigning and No I have never been this excited about a Presidential candidate. He said with pride in his voice, "But you are campaigning. You have a bumper sticker on your car and you have sent out emails". He had pride in his voice. What a good feeling that was.
2. Last night towards the end of my work day, I was feeling particularly tired and ready for the shift to end. It had been a busy day. I went into the ER room of an 11 year old boy who was headed to surgery to have his appendix removed. I had to give the dad a form to fill out to be admitted. The boy seemed extremely uncomfortable. Come to find out he needed to use the restroom. Because of a cumbersome IV, I took him to the nearest bathroom. I asked him if he was doing ok and he told me he was scared. We talked about the surgery and what was going to happen. I explained that he would be asleep and wouldn't feel a thing. He then began to talk about his mother who had passed away several years ago from cancer. He explained that she was a christian and that she decided to leave everything in Gods hands in spite of the fact that his dad and he reminded her that God have given the Dr.'s the knowledge to help her. She refused chemo and died. We talked about his dream of wanting to become a professional magician. He said he knows his mom is watching over him. I reassured him that I believe she is watching over him and that God is by her side. When we were finished with our conversation he told me he enjoyed talking to me. I told him I enjoyed it too and that I would be watching for his name as a professional magician.
Those 11 year old boys made my day completely worth while. Its an incredible feeling to start the day knowing your son is proud of you. Its an incredible feeling to end the day with another 11 year old boy who touched your heart through a 5 minute conversation.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Two 11 year old boys
Posted by Joy at 8:47 AM 2 comments
Saturday, January 26, 2008
A Glimpse of Spring.
We signed up little drummer boy for baseball.
Took him to School of Rock (his band at the music store where he takes drum lessons). I had some time to read more of Barak Obamas book.

We stopped at Bread Co. for a mocha for me and cookies for the kids.
Then we went home and washed the car. Pearl is so pretty all clean. She is white again instead of dirty grey. The kids even spent some time playing on the swing set.
We had carry out for dinner while watching Ice Worlds on the Planet Earth DVD. Watching animals fight for their food sure makes me appreciate carry out that much more.
Its been a wonderful day. A little outdoor activity (finally), some education, and good food.
Thanks God for a glimpse of Spring. I even spotted some crocus pushing up from the ground.
Posted by Joy at 7:10 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
why?????? part 2
Posted by Joy at 1:06 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
1. Why would a mother continue to smoke while her son battles cystic fibrosis?
2. Why would another mother of 7 children who is on medicaid and receives WIC (women, infant and children) assistance continue to spend money on cigarettes?
3. Why would a mother and child who both suffer from asthma not use the medicines that will control their asthma and allow themselves to become obese?
I am trying so hard not to be judgemental, but when I see children suffering with an illness that is treatable, I get frustrated.
Cystic Fibrosis is not a disease that can be cured. However, if parents are compliant, these children can live long lives.
4. Why would you continue to do something that could cause your childs illness to be worse?
5. Why would you continue to spend money on cigerrettes instead of food for your children?
6. Why do we make bad choices?
Posted by Joy at 5:19 PM 2 comments
Monday, January 21, 2008
List of Things to do Today
1.Happy Martin Luther King Day. I plan to take time today to think about the importance of Dr. Kings life.
2. Spend a few moments with my kids before work. I"m going to try not to rush around.
3. Pray for my friends and family battling cancer.
4. Spend some time at work today with my favorite patient. If I can't play with my kids, I'll play with someone elses.
5. During my lunch or dinner break, I would like to take time to catch up on the election.
6. Call my family before they go to bed.
7. Thank my parents for all they do for us.
8. Kiss my family when I get home.
9. Pray some more
10. Count my blessings before I fall asleep.
Posted by Joy at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
A long Wonderful Day.
Yesterday, I spent 2 more hours at work than I should have. It was a very busy day. I went in at 9 instead of 11 to help a co-worker with several procedures. Another co-worker of ours called in sick. She missed an incredible day. We helped several patients, some were able to go home after their procedure. The best part of my day began 1 hour before I should have gone home. One of my favorite patients came in for his "tune-up". He has Cystic Fibrosis and has to come in every 3 months to receive iv antibiotics. He is allergic to these antibiotics, so the first time he receives them we have to give them slowly. We start with a very very low dose until about 3 hours later he is up to his regular dose. Every 15 minutes we change the medication on his pump and take his vital signs, while praying he won't have a reaction. This favorite patient of mine and I have a special ritual during this time.....we look at I Spy books.
I have always loved curling up in bed with my kids and reading. It is a special honor to curl up with someone elses kid and look at books. It warms my heart when Michael says to me, "Joy, can we look at I Spy books again". It makes my exhaustion today worth every yawn.
One of our sedation doctors stayed late yesterday as well. Because of that, 2 more children received the procedure they needed. As we thanked him for staying to help us he said, "It's all about the kids". It is definately all about the kids.
It is so rewarding when a patient is happy to see you, gives you a hug and lays his head on your arm while looking at a book together. I miss my kids so much while I am at work but they have learned that I have other kids too.
Thank you God, for patients like Michael who make it all worth while.
Posted by Joy at 9:19 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 13, 2008
A Family Activity
Posted by Joy at 8:56 PM 2 comments
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Thanks Santa
Getting the kids to clean their rooms has historically been a huge battle. This year Santa (I love Santa) brought the kids their own stereo's for their room. Now they can listen to radio Disney and rock out while cleaning. Its been easier getting them to clean. It may not last long but I can enjoy it for awhile.
Thanks Santa.
Posted by Joy at 10:26 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 11, 2008
Early Dismissal
Today the kids had early dismissal from school. They were out at 11:30. We drove straight to the movie theatre. We had popcorn and a big pretzel for lunch while we watched....Alvin and the Chipmunks. It was a wonderful afternoon. We loved the movie. The laundry is still piling up and the house is a mess but I enjoyed some time with my kids. OOOHHH gotta go the pizza is here. Didn't cook dinner either. :)
Posted by Joy at 5:40 PM 2 comments
Sunday, January 6, 2008
First book of 2008
I typically like to read mysteries by Mary Higgins Clark. Those are my favorite. I am also a fan of the Harry Potter series. My little girl is a huge reader. she almost always has a book in her hand. I am going to try to be more like her. I was saying I needed a new book to read so she gave me her copy of A Wrinkle In Time by Madeleine L'engle. Its a classic I have never read. So I started it on Friday.
I have also vowed to become more educated especially in the area of polictics. I want to be an educated voter. So, tomorrow I will start reading one of Barack Obamas books. A good friend offered it to me. I'll let you know how I'm doing.
Posted by Joy at 4:15 PM 0 comments
Tomorrow I will go to work but it will be a different day. I will spend time with a friend whose daughter is having a biopsy of a brain tumor. This type of procedure goes on every day at Cardinal Glennon. Every day it makes me sad. This tears at my heart so much deeper. I hope I can be of some help to them. The mom in me is going to over power the nurse in me as it usually does. I just hope I can be of some comfort.
Posted by Joy at 4:10 PM 1 comments
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Goodbye 2007
I've been putting Christmas decorations away today. As I take things down and put things back I have also been taking the time to throw things out and dust. New Years day I went through the 2007 calendar and filled in all the birthdays, anniversarys and any other dates I need to keep track off . I'm trying to stay more organized this year and keep on top of things. I want to keep things more simple, so I have more time to enjoy life.
Recently I found out a friends daughter...who happens to be my daughters age...has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. Several of us have lost touch with this friend over the past few years but we will forget about that and be there for them now. Cancer is way to close to my family right now. My mother-in-law, a mom of one of the Brownies in my little girls troop and now Emily. I've seen shirts on parents of cancer patients at Cardinal Glennon that say "Cancer Sucks", it sure does. We have to keep it from taking the joy out of our lives.
I guess my throwing out is a way to get rid of those "things" that aren't important. That way I can focus on what is important.
My hope and I guess resolution, is to spend more times saying "yes, I will play a game with you or read to you or watch t.v. with you" to my kids, instead of saying "no, I have to do laundry, or clean, or check bank statements, take decorations down, etc." All this stuff that is happening to friends and family around me is such a reminder to enjoy every second you have.
Sorry to be such a downer today. January always makes me a little melancholy. The house seems dreary without all the bright decorations.
Tomorrow, after the tree is down and all the decorations are put away, we can truly clean out the dust and maybe even rearrange a little( in many ways).
So, here's to 2007 and welcome 2008 with whatever you bring.
Gracious and loving God, be with us all in 2008. Help us to turn to you with the ups and the downs. Especially be with my family and friends that are dealing with the downs right now.
Posted by Joy at 1:48 PM 2 comments